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New to Viva?

Exploring Jesus? Moved into the area and looking for a new church? We’re glad you found us. We hope this page helps to orientate you to Viva.

Join us on Sunday

We gather on 4:00pm on Sundays @ Unit 3, 67-71 Jersey Street, Hornsby. The talks are available here.  Our prayer is that Sundays are a place we all discover Jesus afresh.

Who we are and helpful FAQs.


Visit a Table Group

The Why. We learn to live the way of Jesus best together. So we gather during the week in homes for a meal, to study the Bible, pray and support each other as we follow Jesus through our week. Table Groups meet at different times during the week, some in the mornings, some in the evenings.

Find a Table Group that works with your schedule


Wondering why we keep mentioning Jesus?

Exploring Jesus? Not sure if you want to start by going to a church gathering? We get it. That’s why we regularly run Alpha courses. Alpha is the best way we know to explore the claims of Jesus and what relationship with God is about.

More about Alpha


What to expect going forward…

We pray that Viva is a place where you grow deeply in your relationship with God, living out his mission. Have a look at our four opt ins and you’ll understand better what makes us tick.

People who call Viva home support the work of Viva by serving through:

  • volunteering &
  • giving financially

There are a multitude of other ways that people in Viva contribute to the life of the church. But we mention these two here because we want to make sure we’re all on the same page from the start.

Questions about why and how to give?



Say hello

We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line using the form and we’ll be in touch.

A great way to get to know us better is through our Sunday gatherings. Details are here. We hope to see you this weekend.

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