Join us to celebrate a traditional passover meal in Andrew & Sarah’s backyard. Kids welcome! We will be tracking with the Exodus story and the significance of Passover both then and in light of the death and resurrection and Jesus.
Thursday 6 April, 6pm
@ the Starrs
Adults $10, Kids $8
Buy tickets here:
Good Friday
A time to read the story together, pray and reflect.
Friday 7 April, 5pm-6pm
Viva Base, 1/244 Peats Ferry Rd, Hornsby
Easter Sunday
A fun, family celebration of the most wonderful event in history, the resurrection of Jesus! Story, champagne breakfast, egg hunt and egg decorating
Sunday 9 April, 8.30am
RSVP here:
Why Easter? Why did Jesus die on a cross, really?
A couple of Easters ago we took a very deep dive into these questions in a series of talks called, Why the Cross? The journey starts here.